Saturday, March 22, 2014

Red Quinoa Warrior Bowl

Last week was the start of exam week for me so it's been pretty crazy for me! Didn't get to blog (or cook anything cool…); but today between studying, ballet class, and being outside enjoying the 61F weather, I've found time to make this colorful meal. And as for the red quinoa- I honestly chose to buy it because colorful foods are more exciting, but I just did some research and found out that it was eaten by Inca warriors who wanted to get some extra energy and strength. So eating this will make me an exam warrior.

Ingredients: 1/4 cup dry red quinoa, 1/2 lemon, pinch of parsley, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup broccoli, dash of salt and pepper

1. Dice 1/2 lemon

2. Pour 1/2 cup water into a saucepan and add the 1/4 cup dry red quinoa and diced lemon, parsley, salt and pepper

3. Cook on medium to high heat until the quinoa absorbs all of the water (should take 15 minutes)

4. Steam 1/2 cup of broccoli

5. Add 1/2 cup blueberries to a bowl and add the broccoli and quinoa to it


  1. Looks like something I need to try! Thanks for the recipe and good luck on your exams
