A lot has happened in the last two years: I traveled to different parts Central America for exploring (with great people), went to Israel twice to visit friends and family, ran a marathon, celebrated my 21st birthday (which is a funny story for another day), got a job, graduated college, found out that spelt is really wheat- so DON'T EAT SPELT IF YOU HAVE A WHEAT ALLERGY UNLESS YOU ENJOY BEING SICK ALL THE TIME!!!! The last thing though is really a key takeaway and solved many problems.
I don't want to write a novel, so in the next few posts I will slowly elaborate about my current adventures until I start my job (and I will instantaneously become a responsible adult).
1 year ago, I decided that I would revive the blog. One of my favorite meals is a salad with raw fish (Japanese inspired), which is simply made like this:
1. Wash and chop a head of romaine lettuce for salad base
2. Dice 1/4-1/2 of an avocado and add to lettuce
3. Slice about 1/8-1/4 lb. of sushi grade tuna and salmon (add more if you are hungry)
4. For some more flavor I add wasabi, but not such a large amount that you are crying
This is the greatest salad ever if you like raw fish, and if I was stuck on an island that had a menu with one item, this would definitely be it!
I was very excited to post again and was about to start writing, but then, in the book that I was reading (The Rosie Project, Graeme Samson), there is an event called "the bluefin tuna incident." Before I explain this, the book is from the perspective of Don, a smart, socially awkward, genetics professor who is unaware that he has Asperger's. Anyways, he is super organized, has a standardized meal system, has a bathroom-office (for maximum efficiency), and other unique, funny habits. Obviously, I found this great read by judging books by their covers, because that is what I do. In the book, "the bluefin tuna incident" occurs when Don is at a restaurant with colleagues, and he orders a bluefin tuna dish to share, which makes him seem insensitive because bluefin tuna are an endangered species. He tries using logic to make the other understand his decision, but fails to read social cues in order to navigate through the situation.
As I read, it made me question my own habits and sustainability philosophy. That's when I realized that I was about to blog about a salad that contained endangered bluefin tuna! So terrible! Then I felt bad and decided that it was a sign not to blog... Little did I know that it was not actually bluefin tuna...
Today, as I bought the tuna for my salad, I realized that they didn't even sell bluefin tuna at that grocery store, and it is very difficult to find for obvious reasons, which made me think: sweet! time to blog!

For info on The Rosie Project: