Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Green Eggs and... Avocado!

If imitation is the greatest form of flattery, I think Dr. Seuss would be proud of this recipe! And it's healthier than what Sam-I-Am tries to convince the other character to eat (ham). I think that if he was served green eggs and avocado, he would definitely eat it. Who would pass up on all of those B vitamins and potassium? Anyways, this is a nice omelet-type dish and very easy to make!

Ingredients: 1/2 cup spinach, 1 egg, tsp olive oil, nonstick cooking oil spray, 2/3 bell pepper 1/3 avocado, tbsp lemon juice, pinch of marjoram and oregano, parsley, salt and pepper to taste

1. In a pan on stove top, sauté the 1/2 cup of spinach in 1/4 cup of water and tsp of olive oil

2. Whisk an egg in a bowl and add in the sautéd spinach to it. Mix well

3. Add in oregano and marjoram and pour mixture into pan

4. Dice the 2/3 bell pepper and 1/3 avocado and save on side for after cooking

5. Grease pan and cook egg mixture on low heat

5. When ready, take off of heat and add fresh diced pepper and avocado to top it along with tbsp lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste

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